Breeze Map Tactics, Callouts & Layout (Valorant Tips)

Breeze is the latest addition to the Valorant map system.

When I first played this map, I had no clue where I was going and where I could be attacked from. But after time I started to figure out some simple tactics for mastering this map.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at the map as a whole and explore a few simple ways you can make your way around it. Obviously, there are more tactics than just this but these are a few things I’ve found helpful.

Defence Tips for Breeze

B Site

I like defending the tight corners of B Site with a shotgun, preferably the Judge. Here, I can start myself at B Tunnel and listen closely for anyone coming from B Elbow. If they push behind me, all I need to do is get myself over to B Main and hold this corner here. 

A Site

I like defending from a distance here. If you position yourself at A bridge with a sniper or a rifle, you can defend from two positions. A Hall is the first one you can control. Watch for your opponent to come up from both angles at the end of the hall. If attackers have made their way into A site to plant, just turn the corner and pick them off. 

Defending Mid

If you are defending mid, you have to watch a few angles. The big thing is to make sure your teammates don’t get flanked at A Doors and at B Tunnel. If you are running out of time and need to get to the mid, use this hatch in the Hall to get you there quicker. 

Attacking tips for Breeze

How To Attack A:

A has three positions from which you can attack: you Have A Cave, A Hall, and Mid Doors. A Hall is a great place to attack if you have a teammate. Your opponent has to watch two angles. You only have to watch one. 

How to Attack B:

Two different ways to attack B: through the B Elbow or down B Main. Be careful when attacking to watch all the different angles from behind. Once you get to B, you can defend your spike from back here. 


Mid has a lot of angles that you could be flanked from. If you are at B, watch the Elbow and the Cannon. If you are at A, watch the doors and the A Lobby. 

I hope that you have a better grasp on how to make your way around Breeze. Overall, there’s still a lot to learn about this map. But hopefully this article has given you a good starting point.

Breeze Map Callouts:

You should also be aware of the callouts for the map so when in comms you’ll be ready to both help and be helped:

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